I Don't Think It's Safe Here

   The Lord of Terror is back. Днес Blizzard обявиха официално Diablo 3. След като пуснаха hype машината една седмица преди това, днес се случи неизбежното. Интересен факт за мен е, че играта не е MMORPG. След като обявят на какво ще прилича Battle.net играта ще видим дали все пак няма да има MMO елемент ала Guild Wars, но засега си изглежда клонинг на Diablo 2. От друга страна винаги ми се е струвало, че Diablo 2 е прародител на съвременните MMORPG-та (да, знам за Ultima Online). Остава въпросът дали Diablo 3 е било "Top Secret MMORPG" или Blizzard са излъгали когато казаха, че всичко, което разработват е WoW, SC2 и MMORPG. Обявите за работа за Top Secret MMORPG на сайтът им още седят, а са се появили и такива за Diablo 3. Може би MMORPG-то е друга игра (WoW2?), а може би иконката на тези обяви скоро ще се смени на Diablo 3.
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:13 29.06.2008

End of an Era

   Yesterday was the last day of Bill Gates as a full time employee at Microsoft. Love him or hate him this man changed the world. Including your world. A true visionary he had that rebellious idea that the software costs money. Before that software was seen as something that comes with the hardware. That vision made him the richest man in the world. At the same time that another true genius called Richard Stallman came up with the idea that software should be free (as in speech), Gates wrote his infamous Open Letter to Hobbyists where he stated that software was a product and should be payed for in order to increase its quality and stimulate developers.

   Bill Gates will continue to be chairman of the board in Microsoft and is still the largest single shareholder so you can bet that his word will still matter. His everyday job from now on will be his charity foundation - the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

   However there is one more important event. Windows XP will retire on Monday. From then on Microsoft will not sell Windows XP. This edition of Windows was the most successful of all and it took 5 years for Microsoft to release a successor which is the longest timespan between Windows releases.

   In my opinion these two events mark the end of an era.
Posted by:   Stilgar
22:03 28.06.2008


   As you have probably noticed the site has been down for two days. The hosting company had some serious problems but everything seems to be working now. Please let me know if you spot something that is not working as intended.

   On the bright side the outage helped me find a bug in the error logging code that caused infinite redirects and writing to the log file when the database was down.
Posted by:   Stilgar
06:31 27.06.2008

LINQ Adventures

   I know that every single person in my multi million user base is interested in LINQ. To your great satisfaction here are two pieces of somewhat strange LINQ behavior that you are (undoubtedly) going to enjoy.  The two pieces are completely unrelated. The first requires a little knowledge about LINQ to SQL and ADO.NET and the second requires good familiarity with the C# language (reading AND understanding the "What Is New in C# 3.0" series will do as well).
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   23:04 13.12.2009
Posted by:   Stilgar
09:06 22.06.2008

Продават се компютри


Motherboard: Epox NForce4 chipset, socket AM2, PCI Express, SATA
Processor: Sempron 64 3200+
RAM: 1GB (2x512MB DDR2 800MHz)
Hard disc: 80GB Samsung SATA
Video card: XFX NVidia 7300GT 256MB
Mouse & Keyboard: дърти
CD/DVD: няма

до тук начална цена 320 лв.

Monitor: дърт, 19" CRT

Цялото заедно начална цена 350 лв. Монитор отделно не се продава (засега).

Гаранция: Франция

Всичко се взима от Асеновград. При подходящо положение на звездите може да се уреди и превоз до Пловдив.

Налични са 1 брой (засега).
Posted by:   Stilgar
00:54 21.06.2008
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