C# 8.0 Features - Part 0 - Nullabe Reference Types

C# 8.0 Features - Part 0 - Nullabe Reference Types
   As is the tradition of this no-blog when a new version of the C# programming language is released, I must inform my millions of readers of my correct opinion of the new feature set. It seems to me that C# 8.0 is the most impactful release of C# only rivaled by version 2 (and of course version 1.0 since it went from non-existing to existing with that version). I guess I will need to split this commentary in parts. This first part is about the gamechanger – non-nullable reference types...
Posted by:   Stilgar
00:42 15.10.2019

Quake Champions печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2018

Quake Champions печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2018
   Тази година определено не беше от добрите за света на игрите. Въпреки че се дърпаха цяло десетилетие Blizzard официално се превърнаха от любима гейм компания в поредната корпорация и дори вече си нямат собствен президент. Новата Fallout игра успя да е огромен провал. Valve решиха да ни зарадват с първа игра от не помня вече колко години... и я беше игра на карти... за капак май също ще е провал. Някакъв third person shooter с танци е най-големият e-sports хит и дори The International за първи път не успя да повиши наградния си фонд спрямо предишната година. Дори хубавите новини имат тъмна страна. Некореец е световен шампион по StarCraft за първи път от 2000 година, но въпреки невероятните му умения това е свързано и със значително свиване на корейската StarCraft II сцена. Имаме нов Quake и да, той е игра на годината според Stilgar, но положението му хич не е розово...
Posted by:   Stilgar
00:20 09.01.2019

The State of .NET GUI Frameworks

The State of .NET GUI Frameworks
   GUI development in C# has fallen to the sidelines in recent years. The main reason is the rise of mobile platforms and the fact that traditional C# GUI tools focus on Windows. That being said in 2018 we see a resurgence in interest in .NET based GUI frameworks. The most interesting are in experimental stage but the sheer amount of interest and the reaction from the community makes me believe that at least one of them will make it to production-ready state and will see significant use in the industry. For completeness I will list older frameworks. Note that I only have experience with Win Forms, WPF and UWP so the information on the other frameworks may not be correct. In addition the experimental frameworks will probably see significant development in the coming months and some of them may even stop development so if you are from the future make sure you look for the current status of each project. BTW do we have flying cars yet? Did Web Assembly make it?
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   13:24 20.08.2018
Posted by:   Stilgar
21:55 19.08.2018

Hills of Rock 2018

Hills of Rock 2018
   Ааах... Hills of Rock - да ти дойдат Iron Maiden и Judas Priest да ти свирят у вас - кеф. Няма пътуване до София или да не дава Lemmy - Каварна, няма търсене на хотели и приготвяне на багаж. В петък около седем следобед все още е възможно да се паркира в квартала. Има достатъчно тоалетни и като цяло нещата изглеждат организирани добре. Някакви агенти ме поздравяват защото нося тениска на Карцер…..
Posted by:   Stilgar
10:46 24.07.2018

Ten Years of No-blogging

   Ten years ago on this day I launched this personal website which is definitely not a blog. It was just a side project to learn LINQ and the new features of ASP.NET 3.5. Who would have thought it would last for 10 years? My noobier self was quite proud of what I had written and of course with time I became ashamed. Right now I'd rather rewrite the project than develop new functionality on top of the current codebase and no, that has nothing to do with it being Web Forms.

   I learned a lot of things from this project. Although after learning LINQ I did not meet any programming challenges it turns out a real-world project has a lot of requirements one normally does not think of. A favorite example is avoiding double post when the user has just posted a comment and presses F5. A real world project has a lot of small issues like this one that tend to be overlooked when learning. When I built this project I was already working as a professional programmer but I still had people to look after me and tell me about all the small things I had missed. Being forced to think of them myself taught me what managing a software project felt like. I fought spam and had to implement ways to block it quickly. I had to change the defaults of some features because they turned out to be terrible user experience for the main user - myself. In addition I implemented some "clever" solutions for simple things just to learn why they are not that clever and why big boys do it differently.

   Here are some stats:

   Total Posts: 268 (about 1 article every 2 weeks on average)
   Posts in Bulgarian: 127
   Posts in English: 141
   Posts about music: 71
   Posts about programming: 64
   Posts about games: 36
   Posts about technology: 41
   Comments: 1645
Posted by:   Stilgar
00:05 03.02.2018
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