What Is New in C# 3.0 - Part 2 (Object Initializers and Collection Initializers)

   Today we will dive deeper into the world of C# 3.0 with object initializers and collection initializers. Be sure to check part 0 and part 1 from the “What Is New in C# 3.0” series if you have missed them.

   Now straight to the topic...
Posted by:   Stilgar
03:37 08.02.2008

What Is New in C# 3.0 - Part 1 (Automatic Properties and Partial Methods)

  In part 1 of the "What's New in C# 3.0" series we are taking a look at partial methods and automatic properties. These are pretty simple so it should be an easy start for everyone. However before that I would like to tell you about the concept behind the new things in C# 3.0...
Posted by:   Stilgar
02:56 07.02.2008

What Is New in C# 3.0 - Part 0 (Introduction for Java Developers)

  It is high time I made my first IT post. This website was built as my first project with .NET 3.5 so it seems like it is appropriate to start with a series of articles about the new stuff in .NET 3.5. Part 0 is a (not so) short introduction to the features of C# 2.0 that are important for understanding the new features in C# 3.0. This way the following articles will be interesting and meaningful for people with Java or C++ but no C# background.
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   00:24 07.02.2008
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:46 06.02.2008
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