C# 8.0 Features - Part 2 - Pattern Matching Enhancements

C# 8.0 Features - Part 2 - Pattern Matching Enhancements
   Next in the series we will pay attention to the enhancements to pattern matching. The biggest feature on this front is not the new patterns but the switch expression. I have previously expressed my dislike for the switch statement and luckily some of the issues are fixed with the new expression version...
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:20 20.07.2020

C# 8.0 Features - Part 1 - Default Interface Members

C# 8.0 Features - Part 1 - Default Interface Members
   The next major C# 8.0 feature I would like to comment on is the Default Interface Members. This feature is straight-forward. It simply allows you to define implementations for the methods, indexers and properties in the interface. Lets look at this example I made up that makes no actual sense...
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:10 04.11.2019

C# 8.0 Features - Part 0 - Nullabe Reference Types

C# 8.0 Features - Part 0 - Nullabe Reference Types
   As is the tradition of this no-blog when a new version of the C# programming language is released, I must inform my millions of readers of my correct opinion of the new feature set. It seems to me that C# 8.0 is the most impactful release of C# only rivaled by version 2 (and of course version 1.0 since it went from non-existing to existing with that version). I guess I will need to split this commentary in parts. This first part is about the gamechanger – non-nullable reference types...
Posted by:   Stilgar
00:42 15.10.2019

The State of .NET GUI Frameworks

The State of .NET GUI Frameworks
   GUI development in C# has fallen to the sidelines in recent years. The main reason is the rise of mobile platforms and the fact that traditional C# GUI tools focus on Windows. That being said in 2018 we see a resurgence in interest in .NET based GUI frameworks. The most interesting are in experimental stage but the sheer amount of interest and the reaction from the community makes me believe that at least one of them will make it to production-ready state and will see significant use in the industry. For completeness I will list older frameworks. Note that I only have experience with Win Forms, WPF and UWP so the information on the other frameworks may not be correct. In addition the experimental frameworks will probably see significant development in the coming months and some of them may even stop development so if you are from the future make sure you look for the current status of each project. BTW do we have flying cars yet? Did Web Assembly make it?
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   13:24 20.08.2018
Posted by:   Stilgar
21:55 19.08.2018

The ThrowIf* Method Pattern

The ThrowIf* Method Pattern
   There is a simple pattern that is extremely effective and increases source code readability with practically no downsides. Sadly this pattern is underused and many developers do not even think about it. I am talking of course the ThrowIf methods used to throw exceptions when validating state and arguments.
Posted by:   Stilgar
22:59 13.08.2017
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