C# 6.0 Features

C# 6.0 Features
   C# 6.0 has been officially released along with the Roslyn compiler platform. I feel it is my duty to inform the world of my opinion on the topic as undoubtedly millions are interested to learn what they should think about it. Adopting mine is the easiest way to have a correct opinion...
Posted by:   Stilgar
22:12 30.07.2015

Discrediting Questions about the Next Number in a Series with the Lagrange Polynomial

Discrediting Questions about the Next Number in a Series with the Lagrange Polynomial
   For quite some time I have been annoyed by the kind of IQ test questions where you are given a series of numbers, quite often without any explanation and are expected to provide the following number in the series. These are the type of questions I fail most often on IQ tests and maybe this is the reason I hate them so much. I can accept that I am stupid but I cannot accept people claiming that these are Math problems. This is not simply not Math. This is anti-Math...
Posted by:   Stilgar
17:34 09.07.2015

Implementing IDisposable on Types which Own an IDisposable

Implementing IDisposable on Types which Own an IDisposable
   Implementing IDisposable is a subject discussed so many times that it is highly unlikely I have anything to add that is not common knowledge. However checking the whole first page of Google results did not yield any article that mentions how to implement IDisposable on objects that own an IDisposable object. While the actual code is simple I have seen people forget to implement it or use the unnecessarily heavy Disposable pattern to implement it. But first…
Posted by:   Stilgar
23:02 14.01.2015

Happy Programmers' Day 2014

Happy Programmers' Day 2014
   Happy Programmers' Day to everyone whose job is to move bytes around or just does it for fun. Interestingly the Wikipedia article says Programmer's day is observed in Bulgaria. I wonder if this is official.
Posted by:   Stilgar
16:55 13.09.2014



    As a devoted follower of Anders (Hallowed be His name) I have been waiting to try TypeScript for some time. Since we could not agree to use it as the frontend language for our current application I had to try it on my own. I decided to port a small project for drawing Bézier curves I had done in Silverlight a few years ago. It seemed a good candidate since it was short (several hours of work), was a real task (if drawing Bézier curves is a real task) and provided the opportunity to explore the Canvas API, something I had been intending to do for some time.

Posted by:   Stilgar
15:42 12.08.2014
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