Many to Many Relationships

Many to Many Relationships
   As one gets more experience as a developer the moments when new information can totally change understanding of basic things get rarer. Last month I was in an argument with three coworkers of mine and I was stomped so hard that I was forced to rethink and change the way I do something very basic namely the way I model many to many relationships...
Posted by:   Stilgar
17:09 15.07.2014

Object-Oriented Design Interview Question

Object-Oriented Design Interview Question
   I would like to get some feedback on a programming task I use to teach object-oriented design in an intro to programming course with C#. I happen to like this task a lot but since I designed it myself I am not sure I see its flaws. In addition I sometimes get to interview developers for junior positions and I am planning to use this task as an interview question and therefore it is essential that I get more people to look at it...
Posted by:   Stilgar
16:02 03.06.2014

How to Make the Switch Statement Suck Less

How to Make the Switch Statement Suck Less
   The switch statement sucks. I firmly believe that the only reason it is still haunting C-style languages these days is that it has been with us since ancient times. The switch statement has limited usefulness, remarkably heavy syntax and is likely to produce errors.
Posted by:   Stilgar
16:03 04.11.2013

Happy Programmers' Day 2013

Happy Programmers' Day 2013
   Happy Programmers' Day to everyone whose job is to move bytes around or just does it for fun. I just realized I have not posted a programming article in a year. I really need to fix this or else I might have the right to celebrate revoked. Or maybe I can blame Nerds2Nerds for the lack of programming content here.
Posted by:   Stilgar
15:50 13.09.2013

Happy Programmers' Day 2012

Happy Programmers' Day 2012
   Happy Programmers' Day to everyone whose job is to move bytes around or just does it for fun. Programmers' Day has no fixed date and is celebrated on the 256th day of the year. After this day programmers need to fall back to something similar to UTF-8 and store each day in two bytes. This year is leap so Programmers' Day falls on 12th of September instead of 13th of September.

   So how are you going to celebrate?
Posted by:   Stilgar
13:02 12.09.2012
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