Post Mortem for My First App Part 4 – Animations

Post Mortem for My First App Part 4 – Animations
   This article discusses how I implemented animations for BF for WP.
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:13 26.08.2012

Post Mortem for My First App Part 3 – MVVM

Post Mortem for My First App Part 3 – MVVM
   This article discusses the MVVM pattern as it is used in the BF for WP application.
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:10 26.08.2012

Post Mortem for My First App Part 2 – XAML and Tools

Post Mortem for My First App Part 2 – XAML and Tools
   This article discusses my experience as first time user of XAML and the Windows Phone developer tools.
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:05 26.08.2012

Post Mortem for My First App Part 1 – The Interpreter

Post Mortem for My First App Part 1 – The Interpreter
   This article discusses the Brainfuck interpreter for the BF for WP application.
Posted by:   Stilgar
00:57 26.08.2012

Post Mortem for My First App Part 0 – Visual Brainfuck for Windows Phone

Post Mortem for My First App Part 0 – Visual Brainfuck for Windows Phone
   I have been a professional developer for more than five years and in this time I have been working exclusively on (more or less) enterprise ASP.NET applications. In that time I have worked on a couple of Windows Services to do background tasks and a couple of migration tools but other than that I have no real world experience with either desktop or mobile development. I do not like the web as a platform for applications. I really like it as a platform for serving information (Wikipedia style) but it always seemed so wrong to me to build applications using a document format – like programming in doc + VB script for Word. Sadly in the relatively small city where I live there are not many options that pay well and have interesting projects so my whole career kind of naturally swung towards Web development. So I saved some money, quit my job, took another junior level part time job as a mobile developer with a severely reduced pay and I plan to develop some apps on my own. All of this because I do not like developing for the Web… Plus I want to have more time to play StarCraft...

   In this series of articles I will detail my experience developing my very first Windows Phone application.
Posted by:   Stilgar
00:50 26.08.2012
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