StarCraft II печели "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2010

StarCraft II печели "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2010
   Тази година дойде моментът, който феновете на състезателните RTS игри очакват от около десет години. StarCraft беше игра, която радикално промени не само моя живот, но и животът на милиони други по света. Предполагам за никого не е изненада, че StarCraft II спечели престижната награда "Игра на годината според Stilgar" и конкуренцията няма смисъл дори да се споменава...
Posted by:   Stilgar
13:42 03.01.2011

The Broken Web 4 - HTML5 Edition

The Broken Web 4 - HTML5 Edition
   As you probably know there is a new kid in the Web town and it is called HTML5. The web mafia claims that HTML5 will free us from nasty plugins like Flash, Silverlight and Java and even from the desktop applications because it is so cool and has so many features and no developer will be able to resist it… oh… and it works on the iPad! These days every second tech blog is writing about HTML5, there are HTML5 talks on every tech conference and respectable tech-related website with countless readers like this one cannot miss the opportunity to comment on the matter...
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   14:35 01.11.2010
Posted by:   Stilgar
13:51 01.11.2010

Programing Language Typing Disciplines

   Recently I run into another case of developers who are confused by all the static vs. dynamic and weak vs. strong type system classification. And you know what?  This is actually OK. Usually one can be a good developer in one type of language and understand how it works without knowing all the kinds of type systems and the terminology of the subject. However I still find it useful to try to explain it even though there are other and probably better resources out there. It is especially useful since most of my readers use C# and C# developers can benefit the most from this knowledge because C# combines several typing approaches...
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   17:21 29.10.2010
Posted by:   Stilgar
14:03 28.10.2010

DevReach 2010

DevReach 2010
   As it turns out October is a conference-heavy month. Just ten days after Java2Days 2010 I visited DevReach 2010. Like last year the event was held at the Arena Cinema in Mladost, Sofia – a venue that is really big and comfortable. The presentations are projected on actual cinema screens and the audience sits in comfortable cinema seats. The conference had visitors from most countries from the Balkans and some visitors from more distant countries like Germany and Norway and they were not speakers. This meant that even Bulgarian speakers did their presentations in English.
Posted by:   Stilgar
06:02 21.10.2010

Java2Days 2010

Java2Days 2010
   On 7th and 8th of October I had to attend the Java2Days conference. I had to because I won a free pass from some lottery and well… you do not miss events like that if they are free, do you? That would be like throwing away a hundred euro...
Posted by:   Stilgar
20:13 09.10.2010
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