Java vs. C# - Part 3 - Exceptions

Java vs. C# - Part 3 - Exceptions
   Here is part 3 of the Java vs. C# series which should have been called "Why C# Is Better Than Java". I remind you to read part 0 in order to get familiar with the motivation behind the articles. Part 1 and part 2 are also recommended...
Posted by:   Stilgar
14:29 15.07.2010

Uses of Explicit Interface Implementation

   C# has a lot of features that are kind of obscure but are really cool when you need them. When I was young and reckless I once declared one particular C# feature stupid and useless. Less than a week later I had to use this feature to avoid writing some ugly code and realized how useful and deep the feature was. Since then I have learned not to question Anders's (Hallowed be His name!) wisdom even when I do not understand it. A few days ago I was astonished to find a new use for another feature that I thought I fully understood. According to the C# designers when they evaluate a feature they favor features that have multiple uses over features that solve only one problem. It seems like I underestimated the C# team once again and by now I should have known better. The feature in question is explicit interface implementation...
Posted by:   Stilgar
13:35 12.07.2010

ID vs. Id in .NET

    Lets end this once and for all! In .NET it is ID and not Id. I did not make this up. It is in the framework design guidelines despite the fact that the .NET Framework contains counterexamples. I have a proof:

I recommend seeing the full video if you are a .NET developer but the issue in question is described on the slide on 52:25.
Posted by:   Stilgar
14:39 07.07.2010

Java vs. C# - Part 2 - Virtual Methods and Overload Resolution

Java vs. C# - Part 2 - Virtual Methods and Overload Resolution
   Here comes part 2 of the "Java vs C#" series. I still want to remind you to read part 0 and part 1 because they contain my motivation and important side notes but if you do not feel like reading them just remember that I only compare the C# and the Java language and claim that C# is better but do not compare the Java and .NET platforms and do not claim anything about the platforms as a whole (at least not in these articles). Read on to find out why Java's approach of letting methods be virtual by default is wrong...
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:29 06.07.2010

Slayer в София 2010

Slayer в София 2010
   Когато обявиха, че ще има фестивал от серията Sonisphere в България бях изпълнен с ентусиазъм, който затихваше на етапи. Първо получихме кофти хедлайнери вместо например Maiden като в някои други страни. После взеха да отпадат групи, а именно най-интересната група от втория ден Mastodon както и великите Black Sabbath от първия. Накрая се оказа, че групите нямало да свирят по два часа какъвто слух плъзна в началото, а различно и разбира се набедените хедлайнери ще свирят най-много. Хмм... дали беше слух или информация от организаторите? Все пак реших да посетя първия ден от фестивала - концертът на Slayer...
Posted by:   Stilgar
22:06 23.06.2010
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