C# 7.0 Features

C# 7.0 Features
   With C# 7.0 now released, it is time to share my opinion, also known as the correct opinion, on the new features. People who are too lazy or uninformed to form their own opinion can safely use mine. I will not charge you for that. Sharing my opinion is absolutely free. If you are interested in more impartial overview of the features (i.e. if you really want to form your own opinion and risk being wrong) you can read Microsoft's post on the topic and the Stack Overflow documentation article. So let's begin...
Posted by:   Stilgar
16:28 06.04.2017

SC2 Master

SC2 Master
    When a man says he will do something he will do it. No need to remind him every six months! My StarCraft II info app for Windows Phone has finally been released. It was supposed to be released in 2012 but... I had more important things to do, OK? Stop judging! As Steve Jobs supposedly said – Great artists ship. Am I not a great artist? Surely I must be. After all I shipped.

    If you have a Windows Phone 8.1 or Windows 10 Mobile device you can download SC2 Master from the Windows Store. If you do not have one of these hard to come by elegant phones from more civilized times you can at least look at the screenshots...
Posted by:   Stilgar
17:46 02.03.2017

DooM печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2016

DooM печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2016
    Не мисля, че някой ще бъде изненадан от носителят на най-престижната награда в гейм индустрията тази година. Id  Software пуснаха невероятна игра, достойна за огромното си име. Не е лесно да оправдаеш очакванията когато играта която ще пускаш носи името DooM. DooM 3 например беше много добра игра, но масово се смяташе за недостатъчна. Игра която би получила само похвали ако се казваше по друг начин беше критикувана само защото не можеше да се мери с прародителя си. С радост мога да съобщя, че общото мнение тази година съвпада с моето - а именно, че DooM е не само модерен, но е достоен за името си и носи усещането на оригинала...
Posted by:   Stilgar
03:05 15.01.2017

Why I Will Not Use AutoMapper

Why I Will Not Use AutoMapper
   AutoMapper is a library used to copy the properties from one object to another. Developers usually need this to copy data from their entities to their view models or DTOs. I once evaluated AutoMapper for a project and decided that I do not want to use it. Now I am working on a project where I am not the one choosing the tools so I get to use it. I have now confirmed that using AutoMapper is the wrong choice for most projects but interestingly the real-world issues with it were different from what I expected...
Posted by:   Stilgar
02:16 01.10.2016

The NSubstitute Library Is a Piece of Programming Art

The NSubstitute Library Is a Piece of Programming Art
   In the last couple of months I had to use the NSubstitute library. On their github page they define the library as "a friendly substitute for .NET mocking libraries". Essentially it is a mocking library but slightly different. In the past I have used Moq which is considered a high quality mocking library in the .NET world and while unit testing is probably my weakest side as a (business software) developer I have no reason to doubt that. That being said NSubstitute beats Moq so hard it is not even a competition.
Posted by:   Stilgar
21:41 14.09.2016
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