AI Models Doing CRUD Programming

   The other day I wanted to get GitHub Copilot to write for me a boring method, an Update operation (the U in CRUD). I wasn't happy with the result  at all so I decided to test with the various AI models that are available in Copilot chat. This article is a summary of the results...
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:14 04.03.2025

Nine Sols печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2024

Nine Sols печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2024
   Тази година няма да ви бавя много защото не вярвам друга игра от тези които имам да доигравам да ми хареса толкова. Става въпрос за indie metroidvania която играх само защото се появи в Game Pass и за пореден път след Tunic се натъкнах на шедьовър който иначе нямаше да пробвам...
Posted by:   Stilgar
23:17 26.01.2025

Jagged Alliance 3 печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2023

Jagged Alliance 3 печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2023
   За малко да забравя да ви кажа за играта на миналата година. Изиграх я преди доста време, но дълго се чудих дали точно тя да спечели и после забравих да напиша. Първо защо се чудих…
Posted by:   Stilgar
00:27 12.09.2024

Generating Swagger for Validation Attributes on Positional Records in ASP.NET

   When building a web API with ASP.NET in most cases I want to generate Swagger (a.k.a. OpenAPI, what a boring name). Since records became a thing in C# I almost exclusively use positional records for my DTOs. I just assumed that Swashbuckle handles everything perfectly. It was pointed out to me that our Swagger does not mark non-nullable properties as required and I then realized that in Swagger just like in JS non-nullable and required were not the same thing. I started digging and I found out that the OpenAPI specs allows for much more information around validation like a regex pattern, min and max value and a couple more that are rarer. So why are these not generated for my project?
Posted by:   Stilgar
15:18 15.07.2024

On C# 11 Features

On C# 11 Features
   Another year another C# version. Of course, the version just released is 12 but I am going to share my impressions of version 11 after using it for a year. As is my new policy I will only share my impression while leaving the explanation of what they do to Microsoft...
Posted by:   Stilgar
02:19 10.12.2023
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