ARMED! Strategy Guide Part 1

ARMED! Strategy Guide Part 1
   This is my second article giving tips for playing the wonderful Windows Phone game ARMED!. If you have not done so yet you should check part 0.

   This article will deal with some subtleties with the game's interface that can prove important in actual game. In competitive gaming execution is often more important than strategy and while ARMED! does not require sharp reflexes and good aim like Quake or accurate and fast multitasking like StarCraft there is still room for better execution...
Posted by:   Stilgar
13:35 17.02.2012

ARMED! Strategy Guide Part 0

ARMED! Strategy Guide Part 0
   I love ARMED. It is a turn based strategy game currently exclusive for Windows Phone. I never expected a mobile game to be so cool and make me play it for so long. However I have a problem with it. It is not challenging anymore. I hardly hit anyone who can beat me on the ladder. At the moment I am writing this I occupy the first place and I have lost a total of five games (not counting all the cases I accidentally hit the search button). So I decided to create this strategy guide hoping that other players will read it and improve their game. I do not claim that this is the best and only strategy but I was able to get first on the leaderboards by using it. I would be happy if more players manage to beat me either with my own strategy or one devised to counter it. For the rest of this article I will assume you have have at least played ARMED! the tutorial...
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   20:53 04.06.2012
Posted by:   Stilgar
12:37 21.01.2012

Mortal Kombat печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2011

Mortal Kombat печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2011
   През изминалата 2011 играх необичайно много игри особено предвид наличието на StarCraft II, който също играх обилно. Преди да обясня защо победителят е този, който е ще направя кратък разбор на игрите които не спечелиха...
Posted by:   Stilgar
05:19 16.01.2012

Windows Phone 7 First Impressions

Windows Phone 7 First Impressions
   This week I got a Samsung Omnia W device and I am sure the whole Internet is eager to learn my opinion. I had it for a very short time and I cannot make a real review but I am ready to share first impressions. Keep in mind that this is my first smartphone so I cannot do real usage comparison with other mobile operating systems and devices...
Posted by:   Stilgar
19:45 24.12.2011

Crawlable AJAX Content with ASP.NET Web Forms

Crawlable AJAX Content with ASP.NET Web Forms
   A few days ago I was asked how one can develop a page in ASP.NET Web Forms that fulfills the following requirements:

   1. The page should display a product.
   2. There should be an AJAX pager (next/previous or normal pages).
   3. The user should be able to copy URL from the address bar and send it to other people who should see the same product.
   4. If the user pastes the link in Facebook the right product information should be displayed.

   So how can we fulfill these requirements using good old Web Forms with update panels...
Posted by:   Stilgar
03:36 28.11.2011
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