John McCarthy Has Entered the Matrix

John McCarthy Has Entered the Matrix
   Giants of computer science and information technology have conspired this month to make my website look like a wall with obituaries. After Steve Jobs and Dennis Ritchie John McCarthy has entered the Matrix to live there forever. His greatest contributions were in the field of artificial intelligence but he is best known for discovering the Lisp programming language. I use the word "discovering" because in my opinion math is not invented, it just is and is waiting for someone to discover it and Lisp is a programming language that embodies pure math. Until recently I did not know that but according to his Wikipedia article he was the first to "suggest (in a speech given to celebrate MIT's centennial) that computer time-sharing technology might lead to a future in which computing power and even specific applications could be sold through the utility business model". Guess what! He invented cloud computing!

   He was 84 when he entered the Matrix. AI and cloud computing... He was the fucking Architect!
Posted by:   Stilgar
13:01 25.10.2011

DevReach 2011

DevReach 2011
   Missed DevReach 2011? Take it easy, I have you covered. You are also free from the need to have your own (potentially wrong) opinion and you can use mine which is of course correct...
Posted by:   Stilgar
03:11 24.10.2011


   I really do not like that this website starts to look like an obituary list but this one cannot go unmentioned. Dennis Ritchie (also known with his username dmr) has exited the world with exit code 0. If you do not know who he is first of all shame on you and second you have probably heard of a certain programming language called C. How about an operating system called Unix? He created them.
Posted by:   Stilgar
13:57 13.10.2011

Защо да гласуваме за Светльо

Защо да гласуваме за Светльо
   Идват президентски избори и се чувствам длъжен да посъветвам безбройните читатели на този не-блог как да гласуват. Иначе може да се объркат. Като настъпи объркване, ще стане лошо и ще идват пак читатели да ме питат "Що не ни каза?" и аз все повече ще съм виновен и ти все повече ще... Това май беше друга песен, но все пак това е толкова недопустимо...
Posted by:   Stilgar
13:02 10.10.2011

Steve Jobs Becomes One with the Internet

Steve Jobs Becomes One with the Internet
   This morning I felt a great disturbance in the Internet. As it turned out Steve Jobs decided to become one with the Internet. If you do not think he is a hero of our time you have not seen Pirates of Silicon Valley enough times. Stop what you are doing right now and go watch it. If at first you do not succeed and end up thinking the main characters are thieves, salesmen or something similar watch it again until you get truly excited about what they did. If you work in the IT industry and do not think Steve Jobs is a hero you failed, period.

   If I create my own company one day I will ask questions about the times when Steve Jobs changed the world when hiring. The interviewee will not be judged by the historical accuracy of his answers but by the level of excitement and awe he shows.

   Steve Jobs is so powerful that since he became one with the Internet I feel a desire to buy an iPad and an iPhone.
Posted by:   Stilgar
12:54 06.10.2011
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