Happy Programmers' Day

Happy Programmers' Day
   Happy programmers' day to all programmers, IDE operators and PHP writers. We know that we and not those fancy business guys do the work that makes the world tick. Sometimes we are scared to death by this thought because we have seen it from the inside and we know how fragile our systems are but I am sure that if the giants could see us they would be proud.

   The day of the programmer is getting momentum and this year it has been accepted as an official professional holiday in Russia. Soon in your country!
Posted by:   Stilgar
04:19 13.09.2009

How Hard Are URLs in Text?

   Abandon all hope you who read this, for this is where you will find how simple programming problems can turn out to be really hard. For our current project we wanted to implement a seemingly simple functionality – when the user posts a comment via a text area new lines should be converted to "<br />" in the resulting HTML, HTML tags should be encoded so our project would not be vulnerable to script injections and users would be able to post HTML in the comments and finally URLs should be detected and converted to links. Sounds simple? As soon as I was charged with this task I remembered reading a post by the wise Jeff Atwood on his famous blog Coding Horror about how hard URLs can be. The post deals with the issue of a closing parenthesis at the end of a URL and I immediately decided that I was going to ignore this issue like most systems do. However while working on this task I hit many more walls...
Posted by:   Stilgar
02:37 03.09.2009

Upgrade 1.2.1

    Our team has just released the newest version of the Personal Website Engine - 1.2.1. In this version we have replaced the TinyMCE editor with the AJAX Control Toolkit editor. This one is a bit of a downgrade because TinyMCE has more features. However the AJAX Control Toolkit editor has better integration with ASP.NET and seems to be a bit faster and more stable. What is more we can make use of more controls from the toolkit in the future.

    We have also refactored the admin interface that had a lot of duplicate code between the add and edit functionality. Now they share a common control.

    Here is the new look of the admin part:

BlogNET admin part

    As always you can download the source code and contribute from the project page at Codeplex. Please report any bugs you may encouter although we are incapable of writing buggy code so this would mean someone has sabotaged us.
Posted by:   Stilgar
21:25 22.08.2009

Reunited & the Biggest & the Best

Reunited & the Biggest & the Best
   Мрежовите карти на клъстъра от сървъри, на които се помещава този не-блог се пукат по буксите от наплива на многомилионната ми аудитория също както Бургас се пукаше по шевовете на 14ти Август неспособен да побере народните маси придошли за Spirit of Burgas. На око изглежда, че на първия ден на фестивала са дошли тройно повече хора отколкото бяха дошли миналата година по същото време. Това направи невъзможно намирането на квартира в града (да не сме в Каварна?), за което е виновна само моята простотия. Явно подцених колко големи са хеадлайнерите тази вечер. Проблеми има и на входа където е настанало голямо блъскане. Към 8 и нещо успявам да се вмъкна и тръгвам на контролна обиколка по сцените...
Posted by:   Stilgar
05:57 21.08.2009

JavaScript for the Elite

JavaScript for the Elite
   Ever since I asked myself and tried to find out why people tend to hate JavaScript I have been loving the language. My research revealed that JavaScript has many cool features from the very beginning. The reason people are hating it are the sucky browsers. Every browser has its own implementation which causes problems. What is more JavaScript's main use is to deal with the dreaded DOM. Luckily in recent years people seem to discover the power of JavaScript and appreciate the fact that the language is very well suited for the untyped nature of the DOM. As you probably know I do not believe that the Web should be rich and made to resemble desktop applications. Unfortunately this means that I did not have a chance to write complicated JavaScript and use the language to its full potential. The stuff I did was really simple validation and calculations like adding two numbers. However our current project is more user-centric and requires rich UI so it seems like the time has come for me to write some elite JavaScript...
Posted by:   Stilgar
18:36 02.08.2009
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