LINQ Adventures

   I know that every single person in my multi million user base is interested in LINQ. To your great satisfaction here are two pieces of somewhat strange LINQ behavior that you are (undoubtedly) going to enjoy.  The two pieces are completely unrelated. The first requires a little knowledge about LINQ to SQL and ADO.NET and the second requires good familiarity with the C# language (reading AND understanding the "What Is New in C# 3.0" series will do as well).
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   23:04 13.12.2009
Posted by:   Stilgar
09:06 22.06.2008

Продават се компютри


Motherboard: Epox NForce4 chipset, socket AM2, PCI Express, SATA
Processor: Sempron 64 3200+
RAM: 1GB (2x512MB DDR2 800MHz)
Hard disc: 80GB Samsung SATA
Video card: XFX NVidia 7300GT 256MB
Mouse & Keyboard: дърти
CD/DVD: няма

до тук начална цена 320 лв.

Monitor: дърт, 19" CRT

Цялото заедно начална цена 350 лв. Монитор отделно не се продава (засега).

Гаранция: Франция

Всичко се взима от Асеновград. При подходящо положение на звездите може да се уреди и превоз до Пловдив.

Налични са 1 брой (засега).
Posted by:   Stilgar
00:54 21.06.2008

Firefox 3 Download Day

   Google Inc. decided to lead a P.R. campaign by trying to set a world record for the greatest number of downloads in 24 hours with their product Mozilla Firefox. The campaign started an hour ago and of course the website is down. The official Mozilla website also went offline for a while. I had the good intention to take part in setting the record :( Bad for me I guess. If you are looking for a new browser you can just download Internet Explorer 7 here (it works).

   Update: As noted in the comments I am offering link to Opera. I truly believe this is the best web browser but as stated in the article The Broken Web I also believe that using anything but IE7 makes the web worse.

   Update: Microsoft's IE team showed good manners and sent a cake to Mozilla. You can see it here. I wonder if Mozilla's devs will eat it and how long before they die after that.
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   13:01 19.06.2008
Posted by:   Stilgar
00:20 18.06.2008

Upgrade 1.3

   After yesterday's upgrade the no-blog has the astonishing feature to limit the users who can comment on an article. There were development problems and deployment problems but I doubt anyone cares about these. For testing purposes comments on this article will be disabled for unregistered users. I also added an option in the web.config that makes the system require activation by administrator for new users. This option will not be tested. Now let us pray to Google together that my new features work as intended.
Posted by:   Stilgar
16:48 15.06.2008

Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs

Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs
   Вече може да се снабдите с новия Futurama филм "The Beast with a Billion Backs". Бих го определил като малко по-добър от предишния "Bender's Big Score". Този път тематиката е любовна, а Bender смята да убие всички хора... защото ги обича.

   Веднага се насочете към любимото си място за крадене на интелектуална собственост, там вече ще го има. Официално излиза след 20тина дни.
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:36 10.06.2008
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