Upgrade 1.2

Upgrade 1.2
   So, there was an upgrade. You, mortals who are not in admin role will not be able to see anything unless you deploy the code somewhere. While upgrading I overrode the config file so I spent an hour restoring the configuration. If you notice anything not working properly, please, let me know.

   While testing I found out that the design which once worked under Internet Explorer 6 is now broken. I do not have IE6 installed on any machine so I will not fix it. Instead I joined the save the developers initiative. If you are using IE6 you should see a pop-down begging you to upgrade. Why are you using IE6 anyway? IE7 is waiting for you.
Posted by:   Stilgar
07:19 08.06.2008

Защо си купувам игри

   Фирма "Пулсар" бяха обявили конкурс за най-мазна тема във форума им на теми:

   1. "Какво ме впечатлява в Lineage II? Kакво ме изкушава да започна да я играя."

   2. "Защо играя оригинални игри?".

   Спечелих втората награда, което според мен значи, че имам пълно основание да запозная многомилионната си аудитория с мойта тема. Чети нататък...
Posted by:   Stilgar
02:42 06.06.2008

Защо не отидох на концерта на Pro-Pain

   Еми, какво да ходя на такива концерти? Първо ще ме боли врата и ще имам синини... пък и защо да бия път и да давам пари като мога да си сваля дискографията на mp3? Без това звукът 100% е бил салата (кога сте чували хубав звук в България?) и е било пълно с пияни селяни. Да не говорим, че тези Pro-Pain над 15 години свирят и к'во? Нито са известни като Металица, нито яки като Менолар. Въобще баси нещастниците...
Posted by:   Stilgar
15:17 04.06.2008

Class Library project coming to Visual Web Developer Express

   Scott Gu just posted on his blog about the new features that Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2008 will bring to Visual Web Developer Express Edition. ASP.NET MVC will be supported on VWD Express but what I find more exciting is the ability to create class libraries(.dll) projects in VWD. I have always seen that as the biggest drawback of the Express Edition. I hope VWD will be able to open solutions that contain class library projects created in higher editions of Visual Studio. Right now it loads only the web projects. You can read the original post here.

   Update: Scott just confirmed in the comments on his blog that VWD Express will open solutions containing class libraries created in other editions of Visual Studio. I guess that makes VWD Express full featured IDE as long as you are a lone developer.
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   13:13 03.06.2008
Posted by:   Stilgar
19:16 02.06.2008

The Toughest Web Technology

   I just discovered that Chuck Norris's website is written in .NET. Well, at least the dynamic part. Obviously .NET is the toughest web tech. You can start writing ".NET Facts" now!
Posted by:   Stilgar
22:16 26.05.2008
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