I Am a Believer
В последно време много се говори за малки и големи лейбъли, пускане на музика за безплатен download, creative commons лиценз и въобще какъв е правилният начин за разпространение, финансиране и печелене от музика. Понеже аз съм на всяка манджа мерудия, се намесвам, за да просветля многомилионната ми аудитория какъв е правилният начин да се правят тези работи. Преди това, обаче, кратко и доста относително обобщение как работят нещата в момента...
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09:51 16.03.2008
What Is New in C# 3.0 - Part 6 (Expression Trees)
After a long delay I am proud (well not really) to present part 6 of the “What Is New in C# 3.0” series. This is arguably the most difficult part of all but you only need to fully understand how expression trees work if you are going to develop LINQ data providers or similar frameworks. I personally am nowhere near to fully understanding how expression trees work but learning the principles they rely on will help you and me use them more effectively.
The Shape of Punk to Come
Онзи ден чух по Тангра (
www.radiotangra.com) новина, че щели да издават Rather Be... Tribute to Refused. Викам си каква пък е тази група, дето не съществува от 10 години, не съм я чувал пък хората ще правят tribute. Отворих аз Wikipedia, откраднах трите им албума и се запознах с тази забележителна група...
What Is New in C# 3.0 - Part 5 (Lambda Expressions)
I was about to start this article with theoretical explanation and historical background of lambda expressions but while I was searching for articles explaining some subtle details I came upon some very interesting comments. Some people were complaining that functional programming (mainly lambdas) are not natural to C# and they can confuse developers with no theoretical (i.e. university) background. Luckily the C# community (unlike the Java community) is very open-minded to new features and opinions are about 10:1 in favor of lambdas (if you take a look at discussions about new features in Java you will see that like 3:2 are against ANY changes in the language itself). So I decided to write the article with examples of how lambdas are actually simpler and easier even if you do not understand how they work internally...
What Is New in C# 3.0 - Part 4 (Type Inference and Anonymous Types)
Welcome to part 4 of the "What Is New in C# 3.0" series. Lets present two of the features that can make your code shorter and are essential to LINQ.
You can often read about a feature of C# 3.0 called "the var keyword". That is pure bullshit and the feature is actually called "type inference" or "implicit typing"...