Sir Terry Walks with Death

Terry Pratchett death tweet

    Sir Terry met with Death today. This was announced on his Twitter in a typical Discworld fashion (see above). Of course we knew this would happen as he was fighting Alzheimer's disease for almost a decade. He is my favorite author and I am sad that he is gone but at the same time I smile all the time to all the clever ways his fans apply quotes from his books to the event.

I ATEN'T DEAD - a placard Granny Weatherwax puts on her body when she possesses animals to avoid accidents.

Don't think of it as dying, said Death. Think of it as leaving early to avoid the rush.*

...and many others. I guess it helps that he has the Death character in his books.

    Now that the greatest wizzard of literature is dead I wonder if the morons composing school curriculum for literature classes will dare to include him. They manage to suck the fun of reading every book but I believe that Terry is even more powerful than them. Go ahead put him in the textbooks and write endless analyses I dare you!

* - fun fact that may not be known to people who read Terry Pratchett in Bulgarian - Death speaks in caps but he still uses bigger letters where appropriate

Posted by:   Stilgar
21:42 12.03.2015

Implementing IDisposable on Types which Own an IDisposable

Implementing IDisposable on Types which Own an IDisposable
   Implementing IDisposable is a subject discussed so many times that it is highly unlikely I have anything to add that is not common knowledge. However checking the whole first page of Google results did not yield any article that mentions how to implement IDisposable on objects that own an IDisposable object. While the actual code is simple I have seen people forget to implement it or use the unnecessarily heavy Disposable pattern to implement it. But first…
Posted by:   Stilgar
23:02 14.01.2015

Happy Programmers' Day 2014

Happy Programmers' Day 2014
   Happy Programmers' Day to everyone whose job is to move bytes around or just does it for fun. Interestingly the Wikipedia article says Programmer's day is observed in Bulgaria. I wonder if this is official.
Posted by:   Stilgar
16:55 13.09.2014



    As a devoted follower of Anders (Hallowed be His name) I have been waiting to try TypeScript for some time. Since we could not agree to use it as the frontend language for our current application I had to try it on my own. I decided to port a small project for drawing Bézier curves I had done in Silverlight a few years ago. It seemed a good candidate since it was short (several hours of work), was a real task (if drawing Bézier curves is a real task) and provided the opportunity to explore the Canvas API, something I had been intending to do for some time.

Posted by:   Stilgar
15:42 12.08.2014

To Valencia and Back

To Valencia and Back
   In the past week I visited Valencia in a mix between a tourist trip and a StarCraft II tournament participation in Dreamhack Valencia. While I was not very interested in actual sightseeing I did want to see the life in Spain. In addition I did not have great expectations for my participation in the tournament but I was eager to meet the pro players and feel the Dreamhack spirit.
Posted by:   Stilgar
13:48 25.07.2014
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