Crawlable AJAX Content with ASP.NET Web Forms

Crawlable AJAX Content with ASP.NET Web Forms
   A few days ago I was asked how one can develop a page in ASP.NET Web Forms that fulfills the following requirements:

   1. The page should display a product.
   2. There should be an AJAX pager (next/previous or normal pages).
   3. The user should be able to copy URL from the address bar and send it to other people who should see the same product.
   4. If the user pastes the link in Facebook the right product information should be displayed.

   So how can we fulfill these requirements using good old Web Forms with update panels...
Posted by:   Stilgar
03:36 28.11.2011

When the Night Falls

When the Night Falls
   Disclaimer: I am biased. Iced Earth are one of my two most favorite bands for twelve years now. My other favorite band is Uriah Heep but they have not released good album for more than thirty years and I am actually scared to go to one of their concerts. With Iced Earth these problems do not exist. If I said that I had been waiting to see them in Bulgaria since I first heard them it would be a lie because in 99 I did not imagine that this was possible. However on 22.11.2011 they did play in Sofia!
Posted by:   Stilgar
00:52 25.11.2011

Some .NET Developers Are Full of Shit and Need to Shut Up

Some .NET Developers Are Full of Shit and Need to Shut Up
   September saw some pretty important announcements for Windows developers and specifically for .NET developers. With the BUILD conference behind us we can debate who is going to survive the fallout...
Posted by:   Stilgar
02:53 21.11.2011

Java2Days 2011

Java2Days 2011
   Despite not winning a free pass this year I decided to attend the Java2Days conference again. Good or bad this is one of the three really serious technical conferences in Bulgaria (the other two being MS Days and DevReach). Just like last year I was left with mixed feelings from the conference...
Posted by:   Stilgar
20:43 06.11.2011

John McCarthy Has Entered the Matrix

John McCarthy Has Entered the Matrix
   Giants of computer science and information technology have conspired this month to make my website look like a wall with obituaries. After Steve Jobs and Dennis Ritchie John McCarthy has entered the Matrix to live there forever. His greatest contributions were in the field of artificial intelligence but he is best known for discovering the Lisp programming language. I use the word "discovering" because in my opinion math is not invented, it just is and is waiting for someone to discover it and Lisp is a programming language that embodies pure math. Until recently I did not know that but according to his Wikipedia article he was the first to "suggest (in a speech given to celebrate MIT's centennial) that computer time-sharing technology might lead to a future in which computing power and even specific applications could be sold through the utility business model". Guess what! He invented cloud computing!

   He was 84 when he entered the Matrix. AI and cloud computing... He was the fucking Architect!
Posted by:   Stilgar
13:01 25.10.2011
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