Object-Oriented Design Interview Question

Object-Oriented Design Interview Question
   I would like to get some feedback on a programming task I use to teach object-oriented design in an intro to programming course with C#. I happen to like this task a lot but since I designed it myself I am not sure I see its flaws. In addition I sometimes get to interview developers for junior positions and I am planning to use this task as an interview question and therefore it is essential that I get more people to look at it...
Posted by:   Stilgar
16:02 03.06.2014

In Touch 2014

In Touch 2014
   On 14th and 15th of May Microsoft Bulgaria held a conference named In Touch which is a successor of the developer part of MS Days. The event is definitely different. It is smaller, there are fewer sessions, the quality of sessions is slightly higher and the part of the event that resembled a fair is significantly reduced. They used the same venue the last DevReach used and while the impact was not as bad as it was on DevReach because there were fewer tracks and rooms on the lower floor were not required it was still a downgrade compared to the previous venue...
Posted by:   Stilgar
00:26 18.05.2014

I Am Grateful to Russia for Liberating Bulgaria... Not!

I Am Grateful to Russia for Liberating Bulgaria... Not!
   Today is the 3rd of March – the Bulgarian national day. I am not much of a patriot but I get quite annoyed reading Internet comments these days where Russians claim that Bulgarians should be grateful to Russia for our liberation. This is what made me write this article and this is why it is in English. I would write it in Russian if I could but I was born too late to be forced to learn it in school...
Posted by:   Stilgar
13:19 03.03.2014

How to Make the Switch Statement Suck Less

How to Make the Switch Statement Suck Less
   The switch statement sucks. I firmly believe that the only reason it is still haunting C-style languages these days is that it has been with us since ancient times. The switch statement has limited usefulness, remarkably heavy syntax and is likely to produce errors.
Posted by:   Stilgar
16:03 04.11.2013

DevReach 2013

DevReach 2013
   The 2013 edition of DevReach was held just a week ago. This is certainly the largest and highest quality IT event in Bulgaria (especially since there is no MS Days anymore) and probably on the Balkans. This year the event was even larger as the number of attendees reached one thousand and the number of countries represented was twenty five...
Posted by:   Stilgar
16:21 11.10.2013
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