Кратко представяне на Visual Studio 11 Page Inspector

  Това видео беше записано за един конкурс съпътстващ Дни на Microsoft 2012. В крайна сметка не спечелих, което очевидно е резултат от ширещата се корупция, а както знаем Microsoft са измамници и осъден монополист. Така и така съм го записал реших да го публикувам за да се насладите.

Posted by:   Stilgar
13:41 10.05.2012

Curious Event Validation Error in Firefox

   I recently encountered a bug in the ASP.NET Web Forms project I was working on that I found quite interesting. Certain page had a list of items and an item can be selected in a master/detail fashion. All this is done with AJAX via an UpdatePanel. When the page is opened for the first time everything works fine but if the user selects an item and then refreshes the page the next item selection simply does not work. It throws event validation error and all this happens only in Firefox. All other browsers work like a charm...
Posted by:   Stilgar
03:05 12.03.2012

Crawlable AJAX Content with ASP.NET Web Forms

Crawlable AJAX Content with ASP.NET Web Forms
   A few days ago I was asked how one can develop a page in ASP.NET Web Forms that fulfills the following requirements:

   1. The page should display a product.
   2. There should be an AJAX pager (next/previous or normal pages).
   3. The user should be able to copy URL from the address bar and send it to other people who should see the same product.
   4. If the user pastes the link in Facebook the right product information should be displayed.

   So how can we fulfill these requirements using good old Web Forms with update panels...
Posted by:   Stilgar
03:36 28.11.2011

Happy Programmers' Day 2011

Happy Programmers' Day 2011
   I almost forgot that today is the 256th day of the year which means that it is Programmers' Day. Happy holiday to everyone cranking code!

   I almost forgot because of all the excitement around BUILD. Be sure not to miss the live stream tonight (it should appear on the site) and learn about the future of Windows. A nice day for a big dev conference. Good job Microsoft!
Posted by:   Stilgar
13:14 13.09.2011

Inexplicable ASP.NET Slowdowns

Inexplicable ASP.NET Slowdowns
   I believe every developer has been in a situation where the software behaves in a way that just cannot be.  Every developer has applied fixes that do not make sense and he had no idea how they worked. Recently I came across the most brutal version of "cannot be" I had ever encountered while working on software...
Posted by:   Stilgar
16:24 28.06.2011
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