DООМ Eternal печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2020

DООМ Eternal печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2020
   Предизвестеният победител тази година е разбира се DOOM Eternal. Нямаше никакво съмнение, че продължението на шедьовърът от 2016 ще е най-добрата игра в годината в която излезе.  DOOM Eternal е просто още от същото. Даже не знам защо ще пиша нова статия може просто да прочетете предишната. Добре де, от мен да мине. Ако не сте чели онази статия прочетете я, а аз ще допълня малко...
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:01 14.12.2020

C# 8.0 Features - Part 3 - All the Small Things

C# 8.0 Features - Part 3 - All the Small Things
In part 3 I am going to cover the small additions to the language. Of course small does not mean they are not useful. Some of these improve day to day usage a lot more than things like default interface members...
Posted by:   Stilgar
15:35 12.09.2020

C# 8.0 Features - Part 2 - Pattern Matching Enhancements

C# 8.0 Features - Part 2 - Pattern Matching Enhancements
   Next in the series we will pay attention to the enhancements to pattern matching. The biggest feature on this front is not the new patterns but the switch expression. I have previously expressed my dislike for the switch statement and luckily some of the issues are fixed with the new expression version...
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:20 20.07.2020

Outer Wilds печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2019

Outer Wilds печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2019
   Да, прочетохте правилно, не Outer Worlds, a Outer Wilds. И да, знам, че е април. Бях 100% сигурен, че DOOM Eternal ще спечели наградата за 2019, но нея взеха, че я отложиха и трябваше да изиграя няколко други преди да определя победителя. Изиграх Outer Worlds която беше компетентно направена игра с много малко бъгове и доза чар. Франчайзът сигурно има голямо бъдеще, но не останах с впечатлението, че на този етап играта се класира сред великите RPGта. От прочетените ревютата изглежда и феновете на жанра смятат така. Явно трябваше да пробвам и Outer Wilds преди да отсъдя...
Posted by:   Stilgar
03:32 15.04.2020

The Morality of Star Trek – A Libertarian Perspective

The Morality of Star Trek – A Libertarian Perspective
   The reason why consuming art is a good way to learn history is that it gives even better window into the way a society thinks at certain point in time than studying history. I clearly remember when I was in 9th or 10th grade and we had to write an essay on Don Quixote. A girl in my class wrote a wonderful essay arguing that Cervantes never understood what he wrote. He died believing he wrote a fun story which mocked novels about knights. However, the spirit of the time often leaks into art even without the author realizing it. Don Quixote turned out to be full of renaissance ideals. Art also works its way around censorship a great example being Bulgarian movies from the communist era. The censors just did not think of censoring certain elements because they were just everyday life.

   Motivated by this I spent like a year falling asleep to an episode of Star Trek every night. I wanted to become familiar with the cultural icon and see how people thought back then. I watched The Original Series (TOS), The Animated Series and The Next Generation (TNG) as well as all the feature films. TOS is objectively bad and The Next Generation is probably good for the time but these days there are TV series of much greater quality. That being said the cultural impact of Star Trek makes it worth investigating. In this article I am going to comment on the libertarian issues in Star Trek...
Posted by:   Stilgar
18:07 24.03.2020
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