What Makes Us Tick?

What Makes Us Tick?
   Уж лято, пък студено. Дали заради това в неделя следобед пред зала Универсиада нямаше много народ. Защо ли пък да има, все пак момчетата от Brooklyn, New York едва ли са най-големите звезди. Много хора си нямат идея кой е този Biohazard и на какъв инструмент свири, защото жанърът hardcore punk няма много почитатели, но феновете му са най-верни от всички...
Posted by:   Stilgar
22:42 14.07.2009

Silver Splines

Silver Splines
   In order to pass the last exam left and graduate from the University of Plovdiv I had to create a small program that draws some splines. I picked Bézier curves as they seemed to be one of the simplest kind of parametric curves...
Posted by:   Stilgar
04:15 11.07.2009

Калиакра рок фест 2009

   Дойде време за таз годишния Калиакра рок фест и не можех да скрия, че ентусиазмът ми беше много по-малко от предишните години. След като се оказа, че противно на слуховете, представителите на новата метална школа Mastodon и големите Anthrax всъщност няма да участват във фестивала сериозно се замислих дали да отделя време и пари за мероприятието. Още повече, че за разлика от предишни години концертите бяха в работни дни. Много се радвам, че в крайна сметка уважението ми към някои от групите надделя...
Posted by:   Stilgar
12:45 05.07.2009

Fuck the EU Commission!

Fuck the EU Commission!
   Some of you probably know that the minority browser makers worried by the fact that people do not give a fuck about their crappy software and the useless web "standards" went to the EU Commission and asked it to make Microsoft bundle their browsers with Windows because according to them Microsoft abused their OS market share by bundling Internet Explorer. Of course Microsoft had no intention to bundle alternative browsers with their OS. At the very least Microsoft do not want to answer support calls for browsers they did not make. So what did Microsoft do. They said "FUCK YOU" to the EU Commission and they will ship Windows 7 in Europe without any browser. There will be a separate CD with IE for OEMs. Of course all OEMs will just install IE because none of them will want to take all the support calls complaining that "The Internet is missing". Most of them probably will not bundle alternative browsers because this means they will have to support it. Basically IE will be bundled with as many Windows installations as it is bundled with now - all of them. The only people who will be affected are the 10% of the users that I (and most probably you) belong to who install Windows on their own. Now the installation will require two discs - one for Windows and one for the browser (be it IE or a minority one). How is that any other OS can ship with a browser but Windows cannot? The funny part is that IE has less than 50% usage share in Europe. Good job protecting the consumers EU Commission. FUCK YOU!

Update 03.08.2009

   Microsoft has decided to include ballot screen in Windows 7 if the default browser is IE. The solution is quite interesting since the ballot screen will be presented in IE itself. It will be a web page with an option to download browsers ordered by market share. Even more interesting is the fact that the ballot screen will be pushed through Windows Update to XP and Vista machines. It will be displayed only to users that have IE set as the default browser so this can lead to users moving away from IE but not the other way around. Microsoft will be promoting direct competitors. It is not yet sure if the EU Commission will accept this offer.

   One thing that is really good about this decision is that 5 years from now Windows 7 will not be shipping with 5 years old Firefox.

Q: What is worse than 8 years old browser shipping with the most popular OS?
A: Five 8 years old browsers shipping with the most popular OS.

You can read more and see a screenshot of the ballot screen here.
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   04:25 03.08.2009
Posted by:   Stilgar
04:09 12.06.2009

Image Resizing in C#

   I got complaints from millions of readers that I have not posted any programming articles with actual code lately. I do not have anything to write about right now so I decided to pull out some old code. It seems that this one is the most useful piece of code I have ever written. I originally wrote it for my first project and then wrote it again for this very no-blog. I have been asked by several people how to do this and it seems that it is a common problem so maybe someone will find it with the help of mighty Google...
Posted by:   Stilgar
02:44 12.06.2009
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