Jeff Hanneman Goes South of Heaven

Jeff Hanneman Goes South of Heaven
   Slayer's guitar player Jeff Hanneman has died yesterday due to liver failure. This was kind of unexpected. While it was known that he has health problems related to a spider bite on his hand nobody thought it was life threatening. Can Necrotizing fasciitis somehow cause a liver failure? Unlike many of his metal peers Hanneman was not known for heavy drinking or substance abuse.

   Slayer's best-known songs are written by Hanneman. Reign in Blood, South of Heaven, Season in the Abyss and Angel of Death will forever hold cult status among extreme music fans.

   I had the privilege of seeing Hanneman play live three times as part of the Big Four of Thrash Metal – Tom Araya, Kerry King, Dave Lombardo and Jeff Hanneman.

Update 10.05.2013
Turns out the reason was alcohol. At least things make more sense now.
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   16:15 10.05.2013
Posted by:   Stilgar
07:27 03.05.2013

Дилемата на изборите

    По традиция като дойдат избори, страните започват да ни заливат с психоатаки. Един вид психоатака, която е силно популярна в българската, а може би и в световната политика, е фалшивата дилема. В последните дни масово ми пробутват издание 2013 на дилемата. Видите ли, трябвало да гласувам за ГЕРБ или за БСП, защото само те имали шанс да направят правителство и трябвало да изберем по-малкото зло. Най-забавното е, че тая дилема я пробутват хора и медии, които защитават и двете страни защото реално в тази дилема ГЕРБ и БСП не са противници. Едва ли някой ще започне да симпатизира на едните, ако е симпатизирал на другите. Тази психоатака е насочена към избирателите, които биха гласували за по-малки партии и кандидати с цел да ги убеди, че гласът им щял да се загуби, ако не го дадат на големите.

   Дилемата е измама по много точки и смятам да разгледаме някои от тях във възходящ ред на значимост...
Posted by:   Stilgar
16:28 01.05.2013

Why I Will Never Buy Dell Again

Why I Will Never Buy Dell Again
   Over the years I have bought a lot of hardware even for a person in IT. I have bought new and second-hand mid-range parts for computers in an Internet café and I have bought a lot of high-end gamer hardware for personal use. One thing I have learned is that no matter how expensive and high quality hardware you get if you buy enough of it you will get a defective piece. I had parts of many different brands fail and I had parts of no-name brands work fine for decades. In my experience the more cutting edge hardware you get the more likely it is to fail. I have had an expensive high-end Asus video card fail and then its replacement fail again. This is why I am no longer impressed by people's stories about their ten year old laptops which still work fine. This is not interesting at all. The interesting part is what happens when the hardware fails because some hardware will fail.
Posted by:   Stilgar
07:03 24.03.2013

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm

StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm
   На 12ти март излезе разширението на StarCraft II, а именно Heart of the Swarm. След като изиграх кампанията и направих стотина игри в multiplayer смятам, че е време да споделя моето (още известно като "правилното") мнение за играта за да знаете какво да казвате като ви питат...
Posted by:   Stilgar
20:00 18.03.2013

Game Review - Chess

Game Review - Chess
   A friend of mine, who knows I am an avid gamer told me of a review he once read for a game called Chess. I was not able to find the original review, so I decided to write my own and let people know what they are getting into if they decide to purchase the latest entry in the tactical board games genre...
Posted by:   Stilgar
19:05 23.02.2013
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