Slayer в София 2010

Slayer в София 2010
   Когато обявиха, че ще има фестивал от серията Sonisphere в България бях изпълнен с ентусиазъм, който затихваше на етапи. Първо получихме кофти хедлайнери вместо например Maiden като в някои други страни. После взеха да отпадат групи, а именно най-интересната група от втория ден Mastodon както и великите Black Sabbath от първия. Накрая се оказа, че групите нямало да свирят по два часа какъвто слух плъзна в началото, а различно и разбира се набедените хедлайнери ще свирят най-много. Хмм... дали беше слух или информация от организаторите? Все пак реших да посетя първия ден от фестивала - концертът на Slayer...
Posted by:   Stilgar
22:06 23.06.2010

Java vs. C# - Part 1 - Generics

Java vs. C# - Part 1 - Generics
   After I published part 0 I was criticized for being biased. I was told that the title suggested neutrality but the actual article is not neutral and "Why C# Is Better than Java" would have been a better title. In fact "Java vs. C#" was just a working title that I forgot to change and I agree that the suggested title would have been better. I was criticized for exaggerating the damage caused by the Java approach and overstating the benefits of the C# approach. While this may be true it should be clear that these are real problems and I am not making them up. I do not pretend to have discovered them. In fact I have read about most of the issues listed here in interviews and articles by both Java and C# designers. The reader is also advised to read part 0 where my motivation is clearly described.

   And now lets get into today's topic - generics...
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   01:36 06.07.2010
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:05 21.06.2010

Java vs. C# - Part 0 - Primitive Types vs. Value Types

Java vs. C# - Part 0 - Primitive Types vs. Value Types
   As you may know I am a kind of programming language geek. Despite the fact that every software developer uses one or more programming languages most developers do not care much about them. Some are interested in software design patterns, some care more about development methodologies, some are algorithm guys, some like diving deep into databases, many are just interested in technologies and frameworks and there are even those who do not have a real passion but work as developers because this is how they pay the bills. Well my passion are programming languages and while I do not have the opportunity to work professionally on a compiler or even a parser I try to follow the development of popular programming languages and enjoy reading the motivation for language design decisions and compiler implementation decisions that language developers post online. I also like digging in programming language history...
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   01:07 21.06.2010
Posted by:   Stilgar
04:36 19.06.2010

Blowin' in the Wind

Blowin' in the Wind
   Каква е връзката между The Animals, Beck, Ritchie Blackmore, Johnny Cash, Nick Cave, Tracy Chapman, Cher, Eric Clapton, Joe Cocker, Phil Collins, Duran Duran, Entombed, Golden Earring, Green Day, Grateful Dead, Guns 'n' Roses, Jimi Hendrix, B. B. King, Bob Marley, Ministry, Ozzy Osbourne, Pearl Jam, Elvis Presley, Rage against the Machine, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Rolling Stones, Roger Waters, The White Stripes и Neil Young? Те са само малка част от музикантите изпълнявали кавъри на Bob Dylan. Както се вижда в този списък има jazz, blues, pop, classic rock, alternative rock, hard rock, glam rock, industrial и дори death metal музиканти. Сами разбирате защо го смятам за най-влиятелната личност в рок музиката...
Posted by:   Stilgar
17:01 05.06.2010

How Facebook Will Take Over the World

How Facebook Will Take Over the World
   Several years ago people were talking about Google taking over the IT world (presumably from Microsoft). Now Google are probably the most influential IT company but the pace at which it grows has slowed considerably. The illusion that everything bearing the Google trademark is innovative and super cool is slowly but surely wearing off. However we cannot live without Google's product today much like we cannot live without Microsoft's. Now the question is "Who is next?" and my answer is - Facebook...
Posted by:   Stilgar
02:53 31.05.2010
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