On C# 9.0 Features

On C# 9.0 Features
   I started writing articles listing every newly released C# feature in the 3.0 timeframe. At the time there was not one good place that would post a list of all the features for a new version with explanations how they worked. You could find a list of features and you could find every feature explained separately in some blog post but it was surprisingly hard to find one list with explanation and people who would sometimes do it for one version didn’t do it for the next. Since C# 7.0 this is no longer the case as the official docs have good, detailed lists by version and there was indeed a C# 6 post somewhere on Codeplex that is now lost. I just kept my habit of writing these posts. However, these days I am a little busier and what is more the amount of features and frequency of releases has increased so I can barely write a post about one version before the next one hits. I do still see value in these posts as I include my opinion about a feature. I sometimes go back and check if I use a feature as much as I expected. From now on in these posts I will just link to the official feature explanation and go on with my opinion. When reading this article you can only read the relevant (linked) section from the docs, the other sections will be linked before discussing them...
Posted by:   Stilgar
19:42 25.09.2021


   Всички очакват да съм чел Айн Ранд и на стари години реших все пак да прочета нещо на Айн Ранд. Реших да се огранича до двете най-известни книги – Изворът (The Fountainhead) и Атлас изправи рамене. Второто още не съм го прочел, но сега ще ви кажа за първото. Ще гледам да го напиша без или по-скоро с безобидни спойлъри...
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:56 02.03.2021

DООМ Eternal печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2020

DООМ Eternal печели наградата "Игра на годината според Stilgar" 2020
   Предизвестеният победител тази година е разбира се DOOM Eternal. Нямаше никакво съмнение, че продължението на шедьовърът от 2016 ще е най-добрата игра в годината в която излезе.  DOOM Eternal е просто още от същото. Даже не знам защо ще пиша нова статия може просто да прочетете предишната. Добре де, от мен да мине. Ако не сте чели онази статия прочетете я, а аз ще допълня малко...
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:01 14.12.2020

C# 8.0 Features - Part 3 - All the Small Things

C# 8.0 Features - Part 3 - All the Small Things
In part 3 I am going to cover the small additions to the language. Of course small does not mean they are not useful. Some of these improve day to day usage a lot more than things like default interface members...
Posted by:   Stilgar
15:35 12.09.2020

C# 8.0 Features - Part 2 - Pattern Matching Enhancements

C# 8.0 Features - Part 2 - Pattern Matching Enhancements
   Next in the series we will pay attention to the enhancements to pattern matching. The biggest feature on this front is not the new patterns but the switch expression. I have previously expressed my dislike for the switch statement and luckily some of the issues are fixed with the new expression version...
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:20 20.07.2020
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