On! Fest 2012

On! Fest 2012
   На 22 и 23 септември се проведе второто издание на "фестивала за градска култура" On! Fest. Изглежда всичко тази година беше една идея по-голямо и по-добро. Нещата не бяха безпроблемни, но така е при растежа.
Posted by:   Stilgar
00:41 25.09.2012

Happy Programmers' Day 2012

Happy Programmers' Day 2012
   Happy Programmers' Day to everyone whose job is to move bytes around or just does it for fun. Programmers' Day has no fixed date and is celebrated on the 256th day of the year. After this day programmers need to fall back to something similar to UTF-8 and store each day in two bytes. This year is leap so Programmers' Day falls on 12th of September instead of 13th of September.

   So how are you going to celebrate?
Posted by:   Stilgar
13:02 12.09.2012

Post Mortem for My First App Part 4 – Animations

Post Mortem for My First App Part 4 – Animations
   This article discusses how I implemented animations for BF for WP.
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:13 26.08.2012

Post Mortem for My First App Part 3 – MVVM

Post Mortem for My First App Part 3 – MVVM
   This article discusses the MVVM pattern as it is used in the BF for WP application.
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:10 26.08.2012

Post Mortem for My First App Part 2 – XAML and Tools

Post Mortem for My First App Part 2 – XAML and Tools
   This article discusses my experience as first time user of XAML and the Windows Phone developer tools.
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:05 26.08.2012
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