Dell XPS 12 Duo

Dell XPS 12 Duo
   Update: Check my follow-up article "Why I Will Never Buy Dell Again"

   In the past year my old laptop which is more than four years old manifested some serious problem. While the internals were still usable (Core 2 Duo 2.13 GHz, 4GB RAM, nVidia 8600M) the machine was almost literally falling apart. This is why I was eagerly awaiting Windows 8's release and the hardware that comes with it...
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   07:17 24.03.2013
Posted by:   Stilgar
20:03 18.12.2012

United in Hate

United in Hate
   За финал на концертната 2012 си бях оставил най-бруталното събитие. На 19 ноември ламариненият бункер известен като зала Христо Ботев се тресеше в продължение на пет часа от звуците на death и thrash метал. Като го погледнем от добрата страна звукът си беше направо добър в сравнение с други изпълнения в тази зала. Разбира се по всички други стандарти това е много зле...
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:31 22.11.2012

Why I Love Gangnam Style

Why I Love Gangnam Style
   Recently I witnessed several discussions where people expressed their disdain for the song of the year – Gangnam Style. If you follow the music tag on this no-blog you will probably get a good impression of the kind of music I like even if you cannot read the text in Bulgarian. Based on this you may expect that I will join the resistance and hate Gangnam Style but the fact is that I am a big fan and there are several reasons for this...
Posted by:   Stilgar
06:36 29.10.2012

Fast as a Shark

Fast as a Shark
   Първият концерт на Accept в България беше много специален по няколко причини. Като за начало той беше край на единственото турне на групата след разпадането им през 1997 и последния концерт в историята с Udo (засега). Това беше един от концертите, които помня най-ясно и концертът, след който имах най-сериозни проблеми с говоренето. Групата посети отново България след като се събра с нов вокалист, но тогава пропуснах събитието. Когато обявиха трети концерт тази година и то в София, а не далечна Каварна вече се почувствах длъжен да отида...
Posted by:   Stilgar
03:21 23.10.2012

DevReach 2012

DevReach 2012
   October 4th and 5th saw the 2012 edition of what is in my opinion the best IT conference in Bulgaria – DevReach . While the price tag of €110 (with Super Early Bird discount) is somewhat high for Bulgarian standards it is definitely worth it. The organizers provided plenty of different drinks and food in the coffee breaks and there were coupons for lunch. The conference was held in the halls of Arena cinema in Mladost, Sofia so the screens the sessions were projected on were really large and the seats were very comfortable as they were intended for watching movies. There were booths for several sponsors with some games where people could win prizes ranging from stress balls to iPads and HTC 8X smartphone. This conference also has the greatest amount of world-renowned speakers of any Bulgarian conference though I definitely prefer many local speakers to some of the overrated celebrities. During breaks tweets with the #devreach tag were displayed on the screens which provoked people to tweet about the conference even more...
Posted by:   Stilgar
02:10 08.10.2012
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