Class Library project coming to Visual Web Developer Express

   Scott Gu just posted on his blog about the new features that Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2008 will bring to Visual Web Developer Express Edition. ASP.NET MVC will be supported on VWD Express but what I find more exciting is the ability to create class libraries(.dll) projects in VWD. I have always seen that as the biggest drawback of the Express Edition. I hope VWD will be able to open solutions that contain class library projects created in higher editions of Visual Studio. Right now it loads only the web projects. You can read the original post here.

   Update: Scott just confirmed in the comments on his blog that VWD Express will open solutions containing class libraries created in other editions of Visual Studio. I guess that makes VWD Express full featured IDE as long as you are a lone developer.
Last edited by:   Stilgar
on   13:13 03.06.2008
Posted by:   Stilgar
19:16 02.06.2008

The Toughest Web Technology

   I just discovered that Chuck Norris's website is written in .NET. Well, at least the dynamic part. Obviously .NET is the toughest web tech. You can start writing ".NET Facts" now!
Posted by:   Stilgar
22:16 26.05.2008

The Controversial Vista

The Controversial Vista
   In the past year I am constantly involved in conversations about Windows Vista in chats, forums and live. Today I decided to share my wisdom with my multi-million reader base. In the last year I have argued on both sides of the "Vista Sux" debate. Why Vista is the best desktop OS but a failure at the same time?
Posted by:   Stilgar
21:07 25.05.2008

Като блогърите...

   Съжалявам, че този не-блогпост ще е почти блогърски, но не мога да се сдържа.

   Понеже мама я няма да ми готви в квартирата реших да си поръчам храна използвайки чудото на съвременните технологии Интернет. Съквартирантът ми Васко е редовен клиент на сайтa
Posted by:   Stilgar
01:39 21.05.2008

Programming for Perverts

   Today I was looking at a Sun Certified Java Programmer example test (quite an old one - url no longer valid). There were some quite curious questions. I have taken out and modified questions that apply to C# (unless otherwise noted) and left out Java specific ones. Try to guess the compilation result/output! Here they are in C# version:

     int i = 1;
     i <<= 31;
     i >>= 31;
     Console.WriteLine(Double.NaN == Double.NaN);

     double zero = 0;
     Console.WriteLine(Double.NaN == 3 / zero);
     int i = 10;
     int j = 10;
     bool b = false;

     if (b = 10 == 10)
4. This one behaves differently in Java and C#
     System.out.println(-0.0 == +0.0);
     System.out.println(Math.min(-0.0,+0.0) == Math.max(0.0,+0.0));
     Console.WriteLine(-0.0 == +0.0);
     Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(-0.0, +0.0));
     Console.WriteLine(Math.Max(-0.0, +0.0));
     Console.WriteLine(Math.Min(-0.0, +0.0) == Math.Max(0.0, +0.0));
     int i = 0;
     Console.WriteLine(i++ + ++i);
     Console.WriteLine(i++ + i++);
     Console.WriteLine(Double.PositiveInfinity + Double.NegativeInfinity);
     Console.WriteLine(Double.PositiveInfinity == Double.PositiveInfinity);

Check the full article for the actual output!
Posted by:   Stilgar
03:28 16.05.2008
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