What Is New in C# 3.0 - Part 8 (LINQ to SQL)
This is the end, beautiful friend, the end. The end of (your) laughter and (my) soft lies. The end of nights we tried to code. The final part of the series. Because this is a series about the new things in the LANGUAGE C# 3.0 and not in Visual Studio 2008 or .NET Framework 3.5 it will end here. Actually this article is also out of scope but it is needed to better demonstrate how the features work in practice.
What Is New in C# 3.0 - Part 7 (LINQ Syntax)
Here is the cherry of the cake, the reason for all the new features in C# 3.0, the purpose of human evolution and the reason Google created the Universe in the first place. LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a set of C# language features for manipulating data. Long time ago Anders (Hallowed be his name) reasoned that as more and more applications interact with different data stores and manipulate large sets of data it would be really cool to make data manipulation a first class language feature. The most popular way for applications to interact with data are the databases but data comes in many more forms for example XML documents. So the first problem was to define what data is.
I Am a Believer
В последно време много се говори за малки и големи лейбъли, пускане на музика за безплатен download, creative commons лиценз и въобще какъв е правилният начин за разпространение, финансиране и печелене от музика. Понеже аз съм на всяка манджа мерудия, се намесвам, за да просветля многомилионната ми аудитория какъв е правилният начин да се правят тези работи. Преди това, обаче, кратко и доста относително обобщение как работят нещата в момента...
Last edited by:
09:51 16.03.2008
What Is New in C# 3.0 - Part 6 (Expression Trees)
After a long delay I am proud (well not really) to present part 6 of the “What Is New in C# 3.0” series. This is arguably the most difficult part of all but you only need to fully understand how expression trees work if you are going to develop LINQ data providers or similar frameworks. I personally am nowhere near to fully understanding how expression trees work but learning the principles they rely on will help you and me use them more effectively.
The Shape of Punk to Come
Онзи ден чух по Тангра (
www.radiotangra.com) новина, че щели да издават Rather Be... Tribute to Refused. Викам си каква пък е тази група, дето не съществува от 10 години, не съм я чувал пък хората ще правят tribute. Отворих аз Wikipedia, откраднах трите им албума и се запознах с тази забележителна група...